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3d printed Swift S1 by Planeprint
Planeprint Swift S1


3D printable Indoor and Park Flyer designed by René Marschall

  • Wingspan: 1400 mm (55.1 inches)

  • Flight weight: 190 grams

  • Wingload: 10g/dm2

  • 4 channel

  • Optional auxiliary motor 2S

  • Material: LW-PLA 100g/PLA 20g

  • Printer space of 200x200x200 mm (cube) needed!

3d printed Swift S1 by Planeprint

The Planeprint Swift S1 is the start of a series of super-lightweight scale models that are also suitable for larger indoor halls or small outdoor areas. To be suitable for indoor use, an extremely low wing loading is required, which cannot be achieved even with LW 3D printing filaments. But the combination with lightweight foam sheets (Depron, EPP, polystyrene) makes it possible.

The fuselage and the D box of the wing are printed from LW PLA in Vase mode (Spiralize in Cura) without retract, reinforced with carbon and supplemented with foam plates. This enables very light models that still look like scale airplanes and not just glued panels. The flight characteristics of the Planeprint Swift S1 are very simple and slow.


The Swift S1 is only available in the tow release version and can be towed with any park or shock flyer, just hang a line on the motorized model and have fun!

If you want to run your Swift S1 with a motor and start it from the ground, you can download a free motor upgrade here. The motor is pluggable and can be removed and refitted in one easy step.

Planeprint Swift S1 motor upgrade
Swift S1 3d printable rc plane
Swift S1 by Planeprint 3d printed


Download our free PRINTING & ASSEMBLING MANUAL, here you can see exactly what to expect before you decide to buy the STL data.

Manual of the Swift S1 3d printable rc plane

PDF MANUAL V1.1 free for download

We are constantly improving the manuals. Check if you have the latest version.


Links to recommended accessories:


Foam board

Carbon strip

Carbon rod


3DJake Tough PLA:

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