RISE nano
Fully 3D printable RC airplane designed and developed by René Marschall
Wingspan: 1020 mm (40 inches)
Flight weight: 240 grams
Wingload: 19g/dm2
Motorization: 2S
Material: LW-PLA 100g/PLA 20g/TPU 10g
Printer space of 200x200x200 mm (cube) needed!

RISE to go ...
The RISE nano is visually the little brother of our popular RISE R.E.S wing, but it was not simply scaled down. It is a completely new concept. For the very complex shaped wing we have developed our own airfoil, which changes over the length of the span. The flight characteristics are excellent, the speed range is very large for such a small aircraft and the performance in thermals is exceptional.
The RISE nano is printed very quickly (PROFILE_5_Gyroid) and requires only a few components and inexpensive RC electronics. Although only controlled via two axes, the maneuverability is very good and you will not miss the aileron.
Although the RISE nano offers high flight performance, the flight behavior is absolutely uncritical and suitable for beginners. The wings are simply attached with a magnetic lock and the pack size is so small that you can always have it with you everywhere.
Small on the ground – great in the air!


Download our free PRINTING & ASSEMBLING MANUAL, here you can see exactly what to expect before you decide to buy the STL data.

PDF MANUAL V1.2 free for download
We are constantly improving the manuals. Check if you have the latest version.
Here are some new spare parts for your RISE nano. It's worth taking a look …