Fully 3D printable RC bird designed and developed by René Marschall
Wingspan: 1650 mm (65 inches)
Flight weight: 1340g
Wingload: 30g/dm2
4 channel
Motorization: EDF 50 mm, 3S or 4S
Material: LW-PLA800g/PLA80g/TPU20g
Printer space of 200x200x200 mm (cube) needed!
- NOTE Slicing works best with CURA!

The SNOWY is Planeprint's third realistic bird model. With a wingspan of 1650 mm it ranks between the Seagull and the Eagle and corresponds to an adult female.
This RC model is printed almost entirely in LW-PLA with our proven PROFILE_5_Gyroid, making it very suitable for everyday use and resistant to the heat of the sun. The bright plumage of a snowy owl additionally supports the suitability, one reason for choosing this bird.
Due to the inconspicuous air inlets and outlets of the EDF drive, no propeller interferes visually and the animal looks very realistic. The design of the surface is so detailed that even the feathers are shown in relief.
The flight characteristics are excellent and it responds very well to thermal conditions. Despite the 50 mm EDF, the wingload is still very low and it remains a true glider.


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